Thursday, March 30, 2006

Thousands at Nashville Immigrant Rights Rally

Approximately 8,000-9,000 people demonstrated for immigrant rights here in Nashville last night - according to police estimates, as reported by the Tennessean.

You know it was a remarkable demonstration when the local daily newspaper sends a reporter and a photographer. The Tennessean was impressed! (The Channel 2 video says police estimate a crowd of 6,000, and the City Paper calls it 5,000.)

As I recall, all of 600 people showed up for the largest anti Bush War demonstration we had here in Nashville. Like the woman on the Channel 2 video said, "We're here!"

Any way you slice it, this is a hell of a lot of people to deny rights to.


The demonstration by the immigrant community ended peacefully Wednesday night. Ralliers even carried away their own garbage. The thousands that came out carried signs and chanted slogans, all while asking for a chance at citizenship.

The rally at Legislative Plaza may have been inspired by politics, but thousands of people covered four city blocks for issues that are intensely personal. “We have the right to have a good job. We have a right to provide for our families, and if we cannot do it in our homeland, we have to do it here,” said Ruben Trejo, an undocumented worker.

The protestors said they felt like their voice was heard. “It’s going to help a lot of people get their papers and get their license and get their life back, you know?” said of one of them.

Protestors chanted “Si se puede,” which translates to “Yes, we can” in Spanish.

The protesters walked across the Woodland Street Bridge on their way to the Legislative Plaza. Many said that the walk across the bridge is a symbolic pathway to a new future that includes them.

Hispanic Nashville has photos and promises to have more.

UPDATE: Brittney at Nashville is Talking was at the historic march and has a great post with awesome photos.