Thursday, March 30, 2006

A Letter to Rep. Debra Maggart (R-Hendersonville)

Debra Maggart, the Tennessee State Rep. recently nominated as a candidate for study by the Bigot Study Committee, has reportedly received only a "handful" of emails objecting to her homophobia.

Like a good Church Lady, the bigotted lawmaker describes the emails as "disgusting" and "vulgar".

In the interest of understanding Debra Maggart's curious worldview, we're publishing one of these emails here:

Dear Rep. Debra Maggart,

I have read about your personal crusade against homosexuals, specifically those who adopt and the so called studies you quote which claim homosexuals to be unfit. First of all the overwhelming majority of child sexual abuse is categorically done by heterosexual males which we would be more than happy to provide data for.

Second. You are being called a bigot because you are one. Psychiatrists and experts in the medical professions have for many years asserted that there is nothing abnormal about homosexuality. It is only in the face of social stigma nurtured by bigots such as yourself that individuals have bravely stood up and organized for themselves. This movement you call propaganda is made up of human beings who have come together to fight for their lives and their families against the bigotry and projection of people like you Rep. Debra Maggart.

Furthermore you are unqualified to make characterizations or analyses of these matters as you have zero personal expertise. The studies you claim prove your cause have not been corroborated by any objective standard and are in fact propaganda designed to justify their small mined hypotheses.

Your open denial of reality and your subversive comments about homosexuals prove that your attitude toward this segment of the population is distorted and dangerous. The nature of your comments are abusive and by proxy sexually abusive as they target individuals based on their sexual orientation.

This is also a direct form of child abuse which you are unconscious of but nevertheless responsible for. By attempting to criminalize homosexuals in any way shape or form you are abusing especially the young adolescent children who as they discover they are homosexual are traumatized by the bigotry you espouse.

To this effect you are unfit to serve in public office as the nature of your abuse is hostile and directed at a portion of the population with whom you have a personal problem with. While there is room for personal issues in public office this is not one of them. The cultural abuse of homosexuals is completely unacceptable.

Homophobia is a condition based on bad programming and fear whereby severely insecure individuals or groups demonize homosexuals in order to make themselves feel superior and separate from it. This is impossible because homosexuality is integrated into our DNA and the fabric of the human experience.

Remember every one of the millions and millions of homosexuals in all the cities and townships all over the country who are themselves the children of parents and so on. They are brothers and sisters and sons and daughters, cousins, uncles, and aunts. It is impossible to separate from each other without distorting reality which is exactly what you Rep. Debra Maggart seem programmed to do.

It is insanity to think that you Rep. Debra Maggart have some special study that can ever come close to understanding the truth in these matters. You are arrogant and subversive and your ego mind has fallen prey to fear and loathing.

Please step down from the public office you were entrusted with and give a more enlightened individual a chance to lead. Perhaps then you can learn by watching as you seem determined not to learn by doing.

Mike Jones

Send letters and expressions of your utmost sympathy to Rep. Debra Maggart.