Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Rep. Campfield (R): Cheney Should Shoot Some Dems

Here he goes again. If the Republican party in this state had half a brain they would have taken down this idiot legislator's blog a long time ago.

From the smugly illiterate white lawmaker who called the Legislative Black Caucus racist like the KKK 'cause they wouldn't let his white ass join the BLACK Caucus, we have the following blog post.

Dead eye Dick Cheney

Our VP is now clearly pro gun and anti lawyer .I say not a bad start.

I am taking up a collection to send a few democrats off on a hunting trip...

I hear some of them are saving up to give me a personal driving lesson.... from Ted Kennedy.

Hey Cheney, your fellow Republican says you're off to a good start, and maybe you should shoot a few Democrats. Campfield is such an insensitive idiot, he'd probably say this even if you weren't so silent. Nevertheless, your silence is not helping.

Via Crooks and Liars via The Mule

On Stacey Campfield's prospects for re-election this year, see Jesus General and your own TGW.

Photo credit: TN General Assembly