Friday, February 10, 2006

Katrina-gate: White House Knew & Brownie Threatens Bushie

Former FEMA Chief Michael "Brownie" Brown has threatened to release the Katrina Letters - the correspondence between Brownie and Bushie, and other assorted White House thugs - unless Bushie forbids him to release the Katrina Letters and offers him legal aid. You read that correctly, Brownie has told Bushie to pay for his lawyer, or else.

It may sound like Brownie has attempted to blackmail Bushie, but it's only rethuglican style politics.

Only problem is, Bushie has a backlog of friends thugs in need of lawyers. So, White House Counsel, Harriet Miers regrets that Bushie can't help Brownie.

Brownie is set to testify today at the Senate inquiry into the Bushie Administration's catastrophic Katrina failure (not to be confused with any of the other catastrophic Bushie failures).

Will he or won't he deliver the Katrina Letters? Barring one of those famous secretive rethuglican deals, it appears that Brownie is going to deliver. It seems like only yesterday that Abramoff turned on Bushie, and now, et tu, Brownie?

Meanwhile the headline story at today's New York Times reveals that despite explicit denials to the contrary by the perpetually-stuck-in-denial-mode Bushies . .

"White House Knew of Levee's Failure on Night of Storm."

WASHINGTON, Feb. 9 — In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Bush administration officials said they had been caught by surprise when they were told on Tuesday, Aug. 30, that a levee had broken, allowing floodwaters to engulf New Orleans.

But Congressional investigators have now learned that an eyewitness account of the flooding from a federal emergency official reached the Homeland Security Department's headquarters starting at 9:27 p.m. the day before, and the White House itself at midnight.

Photo credit: What you get when you google 'failure' and hit 'feeling lucky'.