"Most seats in Congress are relatively safe this year. But they are not safe from a tsunami."
-- Larry Sabato,
University of Virginia political scientist
University of Virginia political scientist
UPDATE: Peter Daou reports: "Estimates vary, but as many as 60 members of Congress may be implicated by the scandal." And while Republicans are shouting from the rooftops the claim that Abramoff gave to Dems too, Hotline on Call says they lie. "Abramoff has never personally given money to a single Dem. All his personal and family contributions went to Republicans. . ."
But check out dapper Jack Abramoff all decked out in full bad boy mafia-esque fashion. As one White House correspondent said on Tucker Carlson, What? Does he want to play himself in the movie?
The plea deal of conservative Republican Jack Abramoff is expected to implicate "up to 20 members of Congress and aides and possibly several administration officials."
Delay's good buddy, Jack Abramoff, will serve as the Justice Department's "potentially critical witness to alleged patterns of corruption or bribery within the Republican leadership ranks.."
"DeLay has taken three overseas trips with Abramoff since 1997 -- to the Mariana Islands, Moscow and the United Kingdom -- and received more than $70,000 from Abramoff, his associates and tribal clients for his campaign committees."
Republican House Speaker Dennis Hastert scrambled to join with other vulnerable lawmakers by announcing that he too will hand over to charity all money received from Abramoff.
Meanwhile, Abramoff pledged to ask for God's forgiveness.
Rightwingers can always be counted on to do the right thing once they have been caught with their soft and callous-free hands in the till.
With Scooter Libby expected to stand trial this summer, Delay awaiting a trial date, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist under investigation, and Patrick Fitzgerald working on goddess knows how many more indictments, 2006 is beginning to look like the Year of Republican Trials and Tribulations.
And they thought 2005 was a very bad year for Republicans.
Bring it on.
Will Bushie stay the course and make campaign appearances for soon-to-be-indicted incumbents?
Since Delay has set the new standard for mug shots, look for the soon-to-be-released deck of playing cards featuring the Indicted Republicans, all beaming in full arrogant mug shot glory.
White House hired mouth, Scotty McClellan whines that Democrats are also involved.
Yeah, some Democrats may fall, but if a tsunami is coming, it is coming for the Republicans.
See Media Girl for the short list of the potentially implicated, a list which includes bad boys - Ralph Reed, Grover Norquist and Tommy Delay!
Think Progress (via Demagogue) has the long list, as well as a list of those who have already been "subponaed, indicted, or found guilty in the Abramoff investigation."
Abramoff Delay Hastert Bush 2006 Tom Delay Jack Abramoff Republican Corruption Indicted Republicans