And they haven't been back in session for a month yet. Can we say womb envy? I mean really, Eve came out of Adam's rib, Athena came out of Zeus's head, and the following men in the Tennessee General Assembly can't stop obsessing about women's wombs:
Pinion (D)
Maddox (D)
Herron (D)
Jackson (D)
Miller (R)
Casada (R)
Finney (R)
Newton (R) - indicted and resigned, but his bills live on
Here are 4 Republicans and 4 Democrats you never ever want to vote for.
And that goes double for the Dems.
And if you feel like telling them that, just click on their names and send them an email saying: I just found out you are anti-choice - you've lost my vote.
The Dems really need to hear from you.
Sen. Miller says he's not running again, but beware cause he's flip-flopped on that before.
All 18 bills were originally introduced in 2005, but they like to recycle their work, cuz you wouldn't know they were back in session if they weren't scheming to double the white population.
A few of their especially interesting creations via NARAL:
Miller (R)
S 333
Prohibits abortion after five weeks of pregnancy except in cases of life endangerment.
Miller (R)
S 334
Prohibits abortion throughout all stages of pregnancy except in cases of life endangerment. Would establish personhood at fertilization, which could outlaw most contraceptives, fertility treatments, and stem-cell research.
Jackson (D)
S 2217
Amends definition of "another, individual, individuals, and another person" throughout criminal code to include "unborn child at every stage of gestation."
Jackson (D)
SJR 48
Attempts to reduce or eliminate state constitutional protection for a woman's right to choose.
Casada (R)
H 1383
Allows pharmacists and related professionals to refuse to provide or dispense contraceptives in all or most circumstances.
Pinion (D)
H 2247
Amends existing biased counseling and mandatory delay law that has been declared unconstitutional and unenforceable. Requires women receive state-mandated lecture prior to obtaining abortion services; prohibits abortion unless women wait an additional 24 hours after receiving lecture.
I'd like to write the resumes for these yahoos:
Job Description: Regulating Women's Wombs
Ever since Bush began his occupation of the White House, conservative lawmakers have been frothing at the mouth at the prospect of regulating women. They've literally gone wild writing and passing anti-abortion and anti-contraception bills.
If ScAlito makes it to the High Court, you can be sure they'll double their efforts.
Call, fax, and email some senators before it's too late.
Tell them to FILIBUSTER!
Reproductive Rights Abortion Rights Roe v. Wade Pro Choice Filibuster Alito Alito Scalito Supreme Court Roe Bush Feminism