Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Mathews Throws Spitballs at Hillary Clinton

Last night Chris Mathews built his Hardball show around throwing spitballs at Hillary Clinton. Mathews' finely tuned sensibilities were offended because Hillary observed that the Republicans rule Congress just like it is their very own Plantation.

For Mathews, the big question of the night was: Will Hillary be forced to apologize for casting aspersions on the Republican party? Has Hillary Clinton crossed the line? How dare Hillary use the "P" word!

Sounding just like a Republican, Mathews completely ignored the fact that Republicans have a documented history of hurling the "P" word at Democrats. After all the endless whining, yelling and screeching about Hillary's use of the "P" word, it sure was weird when Hardball ended, and Keith Olbermann appeared on Countdown to casually reveal that Republicans do it all the time.