"..Over a hundred protesters some carrying signs and shouting slogans walked from the Humanities Building to the free speech zone. Vice President Dick Cheney was the guest speaker at the groundbreaking for the Howard H. Baker Center for Public Policy at the University of Tennessee Tuesday."

"Ryan Wishart a UT grad student wears a VP Dick Cheney mask and a sign. Wishart was one of about 100 protesters who gathered at the Humanities Building and moved to the Free Speech zone."

War! What Is It Good For?

Thanks to the UTK Progressive Student Alliance for organzing the protest and to everyone who came out to make the point: Tennessee doesn't look so red anymore.
A new poll finds that Bush's approval rating in this not-so-red state has plunged to 40 percent (from 55 percent last February!).
UPDATE: The story: "Cheney Heckled in Tennessee", was carried by the BBC, the Washington Post, Boston Globe, Seattle Post Intelligencer, CNN International, Concord Monitor, NH, Leading The Charge, Australia, News & Observer, NC, Chicago Sun-Times, etcetera.
UPDATE: Bloggers who happily took note of the student activism (and hope to see more) include: Crooks & Liars, Think Progress, The Heretik, Nashville Is Talking, Daily Dissent, Facing South, Liberal Rage, Pam's House Blend, Thoughts of an Average Woman, Tennessee Jed, Laikoa, Whites Creek Blog, Vol Abroad , Hominid Views, Random Thoughts and Hamdems (apologies to everyone I left off).
UTK Rocks!
Photo 1 and 2 at Knox News Sentinel; Photo 3 and 4 from reader MzNicky (thank you!).
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