Thursday, October 13, 2005

Two Percent of Blacks Approve of Bush

A new poll finds that Bush has the lowest level of support from African Americans ever recorded in the history of the nation. According to the NBC/Wall Street Journal poll, just two percent of African Americans approve of Bush's job performance.

There's still time for those two misguided individuals to come to their senses.

NBC’s Tim Russert said he is unable to "find a pollster who can remember any President ever getting just 2 percent approval from African-Americans."

With folks like conservative Bill Bennett and local Republican lawmaker Stacey Campfield on the job of alienating African Americans everywhere, all signs point to the distinct possibility that the only Blacks who will be voting Republican in the next 100 years are those who have been appointed to high office by Dubya.

Not that the president who fiddled while African Americans died of hunger and thirst needs one iota of help in turning away the Black vote.

The poll also found that 48% of Americans "would prefer the Democrats to control Congress compared to 39% who want the Republicans in power."

Among all Americans, the Bush approval rating has dropped to 39 percent, the lowest the NBC/Journal poll has yet found in the Bush presidency.

There's still time for the 39 percent to awaken from their stupor.

Hat tip to Alternet . .