Saturday, October 08, 2005

Love In Action Plays Blame Game

The Memphis based ex-gay organization that is suing the state of Tennessee in response to the state's order to get a license or shut down, cites the Queer Action Coalition in its lawsuit documentation.

The LIA (Love In Action) blames both the Queer Action Coalition and Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) for its troubles with the state.

Among the charges listed in the 29 page document (see QAC), the LIA claims:

"Members of QAC publicized the blog entries(of a adolescent participant of LIA) to other groups that support the homosexual lifestyle."

"Many emails sent to Rev Smid from members of QAC and PFLAG stated their explicit intention to restrict LIA's ministry or cause it to dease altogether. Members from both groups, among others, expressly stated a goal to cause LIA's demise"

"In their efforts to bring this goal to fruition, upon information and belief, members of both QAC and PFLAG besieged the governors's office and various state agencies for the State of Tennessee, demanding that LIA come under state regulation or be forced to cease operation."

The QAC responds that these are lies.

If LIA is going to play the blame game regarding the spread of Zach's story and the besieging of the governor's office, the anti-gay organziation is going to need a hell of a lot more pages than 29. After the sixeen-year-old gay blogger posted the heartbreaking story about his imminent confinement in the LIA's brainwashing camp, his story traveled around the world. The blog storm was so powerful that the story finally landed in MSM outlets such as the New York Times, CNN, the BBC and the Guardian.

If LIA thinks it can blame its troubles on one or two gay organizations or a single blog, clearly the organization does not understand how the blogosphere works. If there was a single blog that started it all, it was Zach's blog.

And what does this have to do with the state's determination that LIA must be licensed in order to continue to operate?

ol' cranky at Disenchanted Forest has lots more.