Saturday, October 01, 2005

Love in Action Sues Tennessee

The Memphis based ex-gay organization that was ordered by the State to get a mental health license, or change their mission, or shut it down, has decided to sue instead.

Love In Action, International filed a federal lawsuit Friday on the grounds that its religious freedom is being violated. (news video here)

Love in Action attorney, Nate Kellum whines, "Its repugnant for a faith based institution, a Christian ministry to come under the regulation of the state." Gee Nate, I agree. It's a real pain to have to obey laws; we should all get religious so we can be exempt.

Love in Action operates a program that attempts to teach those who do not blindly follow the Christian gender script to hate themselves. Cuz questioning gender scares the bejesus out of these people. The Tennessee Guerilla Women are thinking of starting a progam that will teach bigots to hate themselves even more than they already do. We thought we'd start with 98% of the Tennessee State Legislature. Do we need a license? Can we be tax exempt too?

Love in Action's hate-the-gayness program came to the attention of the State after sixteen-year-old Zach blogged in anguish over his parents' decision to enroll him in the hate organization's brainwashing program. Zach's cry of despair created a blog storm around the world.

The hate program is called "Refuge," as in refuge from all hope of sanity. Will the Rapture please hurry up and take these crazy hate-mongers up to their punitive authority figure in the sky? Cuz we will be dancin' in the streets when they go.

For more info, see the Memphis based Queer Action Coalition.

Previous Posts on Zach & LIA.