Saturday, October 15, 2005

Dowd: Sex, Envy, Proximity

Sex, Envy, Proximity
By Maureen Dowd

President Bush started his weekend early. He decided to leave for Camp David at 2 p.m. yesterday.

Can you blame him?

The White House has lost its mind - and its survival instincts. The monomaniacal special prosecutor is moving in for the kill. Republicans are covered in dirt. And we may be only moments away from another Newsweek cover on another President Bush headlined “The Wimp Factor.”

W.’s political career was structured to ensure that he would never suffer his father’s problems by seeming weak or wobbly on conservatism. Everything would be about projecting strength and protecting the base.

But the reverse playbook got washed away with Katrina, when Karl Rove and W. did not jump to attention at the word hurricane. W. ended up with a job approval rating of 2 percent among African-Americans, according to a new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll. He missed the golden hour, as it’s called in combat medicine, the precious time when acting fast may save those in jeopardy.

W.’s presidency has become branded with rushing into one place too fast and not rushing into another fast enough.

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