Monday, October 03, 2005

Delay Indicted Again & Again

UPDATE: Okay I posted this when it was still breaking. The update is that there are now two new charges. We're talking serious money laundering felonies. Get this: the maximum penalty is life!! Wooohoo!! Bring it on, as the shrub would say. Republicans should give their party a new name: The Corruption Party. (The link to the WaPo below is still good, they updated the story and forgot to tell me.)

News of Republican corruption just keeps on coming.

From the WaPo:

AUSTIN, Texas -- A Texas grand jury indicted Rep. Tom DeLay on a new charge of money laundering Monday, less than a week after another grand jury leveled a conspiracy charge that forced DeLay to temporarily step down as House majority leader.

Both indictments accuse DeLay and two political associates of conspiring to get around a state ban on corporate campaign contributions by funneling the money through a political action committee to the Republican National Committee in Washington.