Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Bush's Scandalous Body Language

There's been some speculation lately about Bush's funny habit of grinding his teeth. Some say it's a symptom of cocaine use. Well now, add to that habit: excessive blinking, licking of lips, and foot and leg jiggling.

It could be drugs, or perhaps Dubya is just very very nervous about all the Republican scandals and impending indictments in the Plamegate case - which is set to wrap up on the 28th.

There's plenty to be nervous about. Bloggers are calling this Karl Rove's 'political obituary.'

Judith Miller is testifying before the grand jury again today. Lawyers involved in the case are said to be "bracing for Fitzgerald to bring criminal charges against administration officials." According to one of the lawyers, Fitzgerald "is not a guy who would walk away with nothing."

The Bushies have been overheard complaining about prosecutor Fitzgerald. They say the prosecutor is a mean old bully.

Dubya won't say much in public. He prefers to let his body do the talking.

Snippets from the Washington Post:

"Does it worry you," NBC's Matt Lauer is asking him at a construction-site interview in Louisiana, that prosecutors "seem to have such an interest in Mr. Rove?"

Bush blinks twice. He touches his tongue to his lips. He blinks twice more. He starts to answer, but he stops himself.

The fidgeting clearly corresponded to the questioning. When Lauer asked if Bush, after a slow response to Katrina, was "trying to get a second chance to make a good first impression," Bush blinked 24 times in his answer. When asked why Gulf Coast residents would have to pay back funds but Iraqis would not, Bush blinked 23 times and hitched his trousers up by the belt.

When the questioning turned to Miers, Bush blinked 37 times in a single answer -- along with a lick of the lips, three weight shifts and some serious foot jiggling.

The presidential fidgeting spiked when Lauer mentioned the Democratic accusation that Bush was performing a "photo op." Bush pushed out his lower front lip, then licked the right corner of his mouth. Lauer's query about whether conservatives "are feeling let down by you" appeared to provoke furious jiggling of the right leg.

Bush joked about his state of mind when Lauer asked Laura Bush about the strain on her husband. "He can barely stand!" the president said, interrupting. "He's about to drop on the spot."

What a comedian! Dubya was wearing his Bob the Builder outfit, just the latest in an impressive array of Dubya costumes.

Photo at All Hat and No Cattle...