Thursday, July 07, 2005

Rehnquist to Retire this Week! - Sez Blabbermouth Bob Novak

Robert Novak, the dangerous blabbermouth columnist who revealed to the world that Valerie Plame was a covert CIA operative, now reveals:

Chief Justice William Rehnquist "will announce his retirement before the week is over."

Novak says this info comes from "court sources."

As Novak points out, this means Bush can nominate a rabid right winger and then choose Pro-Torture Gozales as a 'moderate'.

It just goes to show, no matter how bad things get, they can always get worse.

The conservative columnist also observes that Bush's response to the Right's attack on his Pro- Torture friend and possible Supreme Court nominee - Attorney General Alberto Gozales - hurt some feelings:

"The right's morale was devastated by the president's comments in a USA Today telephone interview published on the newspaper's front page Tuesday: 'Al Gonzales is a great friend of mine. When a friend gets attacked, I don't like it.'"

Novak goes on to complain:

"Typically, the president did not defend Gonzales on his merits but with outrage that anybody would dare criticize his friend. That reflects a general schoolboy attitude that is losing the president support from fellow Republicans and conservatives. "


Five years into the Presidency of the Arrogant Pre Adolescent Male Child from Texas and these guys are just now noticing?

I'd say 'welcome to the reality based world' but, for sure, this was only a momentary lapse into reason and the lunatic fringe has already zoned back into the mind-blowing joys of Rapture Anticipation.

Since this is Thursday, I guess we can expect Rehnquist to follow Sandra Day O'Connor's example and give us the jolt on Friday. Anyone want to bet that Bush won't pick homophobic misogynistic Scalia to take the country further into The Darkness as Chief Justice of the High Court?

Hat tip to Policial Wire