Wednesday, April 27, 2005

More on Frist the Terrible

The spectacle of religious supremacist zealotry that the Wingnuts dubbed "Justice Sunday" is nothing more than a display of their intolerance for anything left of Billy Graham.

Faith and Policy Blog notes that the People for the American Way (PFAW) has revived a 25-year-old television ad giving voice to opposition of the religious supremacists' view that all of Busch's judicial nominees should be rubberstamped into office without hesitation on the part of the Congress or anyone else for that matter.

Have we really gone that far backward? I was so hoping to move on into the 21st century.

Frist, with the charisma of a medium-sized chunk of coal, is
pitifully transparent in reaching, snatching, and grabbing for the loyalty of the evanglelical, fundamentlist masses who would like nothing more than to see yet another "man of god" installed (not elected) to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. He's trying mightily to convince him that the mantle of the lord is upon him.

It is for this that he must remain pure.
He has turned down all offers of compromise. He remains true to his mission.

You think they'll buy it?

It is difficult to believe that he is supposed to represent me in the Senate.

Oh yes, I mustn't forget. I have another Senator - the valient
Lamar Alexander himself. Hmmm...let me see. I do believe he served as the Secretary of Education under Busch I. I can rest assured that he will represent me quite as well as Frist the Terrible.