Friday, April 08, 2005

Log Cabin fun, Frist to nuke 'em

Well, well, appears that the corruption of the Republican Party is an equal opportunity malady. The immediate past Chief Operating Officer of the Log Cabin Republicans is a fellow named Dwight Lodge, who is claiming wrongful termination and asking for $15 million. The report filed late last Friday evening on Houston Voice Online blog points to Lodge's allegations of funny money and other fiscal shenanigans. I guess this is one of those frivolous lawsuits the Repugs are always whining about.

Today the lovely little Rick Santorum (R-PA) was quoted in The Hill as saying that the Majority Leader will "go nuclear" in order to destroy the filibuster as a means of preventing confirmation of wingnut judicial nominees. Don't you think Rick is cute? I'll just bet that all the boys fall for him.

I saw Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV) on
Judy Woodruff's Inside Politics this afternoon. He was spitting nails and vowing that he will uphold the filibuster as a legitimate tool for use by the minority in thwarting attempts to railroad a lop-sided judiciary as the Bush administration seems determined to do.

He wouldn't comment yea or nay as to whether or not he will seek another term as the Senator from West Virginia.