Thursday, March 24, 2005

Right-Wing Men May Be Coming to a Planned Parenthood Near You

Indiana seems to want to come into the good-old-boy Confederacy. Pseudo-Adrienne reports that the state is demanding that Planned Parenthood turn over the records of sexually active teen girls. The state wants the records of girls who are both under the age of consent and over the age of consent.

Did these girls have abortions?

Did they have (gasp) sex?

The inquiring right-wing men who control the state of Indiana want to know.

It's a good idea to check out the grim details at Pseudo-Adrienne's Liberal Feminist Bias because:

Right-wing men may be coming to a Planned Parenthood near you

Right wing men may hear that YOU have been sexually active

Disclaimer: Does not apply, no need to worry, if you are in their club, i.e., if you are and have always been male (but never gay, bi, etc.).