Saturday, February 28, 2009

Kathleen Sebelius: HHS Secretary (NOT Bredesen - Thank the Goddess!)

Kathleen Sebelius will be the Secretary of Health and Human Services according to White House sources. Obama will make the announcement on Monday.

This is a win-win. We get a highly qualified WOMAN, and Phil Bredesen doesn't get to do harm to the nation like he did to Tennessee.

Raw Story reports:

Since Daschle withdrew his nomination, Sebelius – a former Kansas health commissioner who is currently the Democratic governor of a largely Republican state – had been a top contender for the position. But while Daschle was to also head a new White House Office of Health Reform, Sebelius will only become secretary if her nomination is approved by Congress, the administration official said. Someone else will oversee the White House's effort to reform health care, which Obama focused on during his ambitious address to a joint session of Congress Tuesday.

[Governor Sebelius] is the first daughter of a governor in U.S. history to be elected to the same position her [father] held.