No cabinet position for Howard Dean. And the DNC Chair was conspicuously absent from Obama's press conference with Dean's regressive successor Tim Kaine.
Everyone's speculating about what Howard Dean did to deserve being such an outsider and 'persona non grata' in the Obama regime. Any ideas? Maybe it's just that Howard Dean is a flaming bleeding heart liberal. I sure don't see many of those in the company of Obama.
From Politico:
The conspicuous absence of Howard Dean from Thursday’s press conference announcing Tim Kaine’s appointment as Democratic National Committee chair was no accident, according to Dean loyalists. Rather, they say, it was a reflection of the lack of respect accorded to the outgoing party chairman by the Obama team.. . A Dean admirer found some gallows humor in the doctor’s disappearing act: “He said he wanted to be in the cabinet,” joked this source. “So they stuffed him in the cabinet and locked the door.”
Open Left:
Howard Dean, an important figure for the progressive grassroots, appears to have been intentionally snubbed at Tim Kaine's press event.
And from the AP:
Democrats with knowledge of the situation, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to avoid angering the Obama team, say Dean won't attend the event at the request of Obama advisers.
Related - TNA: Obama throws Democratic Women under the bus…again…
TGW: Kaine to Chair DNC: Feel the Change?
Democratic Politics Progressive News Barack Obama DNC Chair Tim Kaine