What's up with the cable news channels today? I've yet to hear the usual media malestream of emotional rants about Hillary, that lying bitch. It's true I got out of bed late this morning, so maybe I missed something, or maybe not. After all, the job is done, Obama has moved up in the polls.
In today's Washington Post, Anne Kornblut tells us that Hillary was not lying about the woman who died for lack of health insurance. There was another hospital involved. But anyone who read the original New York Times story knows that if anyone told a lie, it would be that unsuspecting Deputy Sheriff Brian Holman who actually told Hillary the story about Trina Bachtel. But that didn't stop the malevolent malestream media and the malicious right and left-wing blogosphere from pinning the blame on Hillary and ranting incessantly about that lying bitch.
By this new definition of "liar", Barack Obama has told an alarmingly long list of whoppers, but since Barack is The One, never mind that. And if getting it wrong equates to lying, well what about our lying media? What about our lying "progressive" blogosphere? Not only did they lie with their screaming headlines about Hillary, that lying bitch, they also violated Trina Bachtel's privacy by revealing and broadcasting her name to the world. Hillary never mentioned her name. I'm sure Trina Bachtel's family is loving the vicious attention:
"[A]ccording to the young woman's aunt . . she has been stunned by the amount of negative attention her niece's story generated, and .. she was sorry it had hurt the Clinton campaign. She was, and is, she said, a supporter. 'Did I vote for Hillary?' she said. 'You'd better bet I did.'"
Here's a little puzzle for you, dear readers. Which of these screaming headlines about that lying bitch are from the conservative blogosphere? And which are from our darlin' "progressive" bloggers? Give up? Scroll all the way down for a hint.
Hospital Story a Lie: Does Anyone Believe Hillary's MLK Bookbag Story?
Hillary Clinton's "Healthcare Horror Story" Found to be Untrue
Shocker: Hillary Lied About “Uninsured Mom”
Hillary Clinton's Self-Swiftboating into Irrelevance
Surprise: Hillary caught in another stump-speech lie
Hillary Clinton Tells False Health Care Horror Story, Exposed in NYT
As Bob Somerby observes, these are "sad and sobering" times for "liberal and progressive values." Adds Big Tent Democrat:
[T]he progressive blogosphere is dead. Long live the "progressive" blogosphere!
"I don’t understand why Obama supporters are so driven to publicly savage, insult and demean Clinton. What is it in themselves that makes them act… well, like Republicans?"
Hint: Of the 6 headlines, 4 are from "Progressive" blogs: BuzzFlash, Democratic Underground, Talking Points Memo, Progressive Daily Beacon. Two are from conservative blogs: Hot Air and Sweetness & Light. (The only reason there are none from Daily Kos is because I'm not crossing the picket line.)
Related - eriposte: Stories of Love and Hate
Trina Bachtel Gender Hillary Clinton Barack Obama Democratic Primary Liberal Media Bias Sexist News Misogyny Feminist Politics "Progressive" Bloggers Obama Unity Hospital Story