"the reason she's a U.S. senator, the reason she's a candidate for president, the reason she may be a front-runner is her husband messed around." --Chris Matthews
In an interview with New York Magazine, Chris Matthews, MSNBC's star misogynist, effectively takes back his recent lame apology for reducing the brilliance of Hillary Rodham Clinton to nothing more than the pitiful good luck of being married to a man who cheated on her:
Matthews says the notion that he is sexist has been pushed unfairly by blogs, women’s groups and, to some degree, the Clinton campaign. His remark that Clinton benefited because her husband “messed around” triggered much outrage from the Clinton team. Matthews eventually apologized in a rambling on-air explanation, but he hardly sounds contrite now. “I was tonally inaccurate but factually true,” he told me. I had asked him earlier if he was forced into the apology. “Oh, yeah, of course I was forced into that,” he said, laughing. “No, no, no . . . Phil [Griffin] asked me to do that.”
Oh, so if Matthews had only expressed the slur in a different tone, the Neanderthal would not be quite so contemptible. Once again, Tweety proves that he is old school sexism, women are nothing other than the sum total of our relationship to men. Great argument for women to abstain from marriage, Chris!
The outrage over Matthews' "It's All About the Menz" slur -- targeting Hillary and all women -- was certainly not confined to "the Clinton team." Women all over America were, and continue to be, appalled at the arrested development of Chris Matthews and the Malestream Media he represents. The good news is that Matthews' contract expires next year, and NBC appears to recognize that the creep is not worth the 5 million a year they are paying him.
Should NBC actually do the women of America a favor and make Chris Matthews go away, I wonder which man would replace him? I mean what would politics in America be if not for the fact that "men’s voices, men’s concerns, men’s stories and men’s money" dominate everything?
The bad news is that Chris Matthews may challenge the manly "Senator Arlen Specter, the Pennsylvania Republican, when he runs for re-election in 2010."
Here's more on Chris Matthews' pathological obsession with Hillary and Bill Clinton:
Just before the start of Clinton’s first campaign for the Senate in 2000, Matthews said: “Hillary Clinton bugs a lot of guys, I mean, really bugs people — like maybe me on occasion. . . . She drives some of us absolutely nuts.”
“We all talk about the Clintons,” Matthews said at the conclusion of a diatribe about the national obsession with Bill and Hillary. “I have never been at a party where it doesn’t become a topic. Who are we gonna talk about? Bob Dole? John Kerry? Al Gore?”
Graphic via Off Our Backs
TGW: Chris Matthews' Greatest Sexist Hits (Video)
TGW: Chris Matthews Plays the Gender Card: A List
TGW: Chris Matthews' Fear of Castration by Hillary Makes Fox News Look Rational
MSNBC Hillary Clinton Politics Barack Obama Democratic Primary News Gender Media Bias Chris Matthews Pennsylvania Sexist Media Patriarchy Misogyny Feminist Politics