Friday, April 11, 2008

Photos of NYC Protest Against Hillary-Hating Media Bias (Especially NBC/MSNBC)

Update: More great photos at MyDD and LOTS more here!

People we need to wage war on the media, because the media is waging war on us. The first photos are in. There will also be videos.

I took a nap today and left the teevee on. When I awoke, surprise, the MSNBC gang were hard at work on their usual project of the daily character assassination of Hillary and Bill Clinton. There they were, sitting around gossiping as usual, making fun and laughing their despicable heads off at Hillary and Bill.

The gossip seldom touches on any of the important issues of the day. The gossip is about important questions like: Why can't Hillary control Bill? What do we know about their sex life? Did you hear what Bill said? Doesn't everyone know that Hillary is a lying bitch?

NBC/MSNBC is especially guilty of employing Jerry Springer style gossips, not journalists! And the gossips are doing their damnedest to pick our president.

Email your thoughts about the media bias or character assassination of Hillary Rodham Clinton to:;;; Jack Cafferty - But we need to do more than this! Lots more! Ideas?

Keith Olbermann is so clueless, he didn't realize that Sir Elton John meant he and his cronies at NBC/MSNBC are misogynists. Emoting Keith Olbermann named Sir Elton John as a runner-up for his Worst Person Award because anyone who supports Hillary is Keith's enemy, and because Sir Elton John said the word that best describes Keith.

Again, I ask: Where Is The FEMINIST LEADERSHIP????? Please Ask them: Contact NOW. Contact the Feminist Majority Foundation. Contact the National Council of Women’s Organizations.

Photos via HRC Forum