Monday, March 17, 2008

Primary Misogyny (Video)

There was a time when I thought I could say with certainty that the vast majority of hateful portrayals of Hillary Rodham Clinton as Evil Woman originate from right-wingers. But in light of this eye-opening primary, it appears to me that when it comes to misogyny, the Left is equally as vicious as the Right.

Both sides of the political aisle view Hillary as yet another woman out to rupture the paradise of male politics as usual. But that is the primary law of misogyny -- plagues, curses, paradise lost, and now potentially lost presidential elections are all the fault of some woman.

It's anybody's guess whether the first video clip posted below originates from the Right or the Left. (This is one of the tame videos; I can't watch the really vile stuff.)

The second video clip is a tribute to Obama the Pure of Heart. Hillary gets an honorable mention as the Devil's Bride. I found this sweet tribute to Obama promoted to the front page of Democratic Underground. DU is just one more lefty site that has devolved into a vicious Hillary-hating site. When it comes to the A-lister predominantly male websites, John McCain begins to look like a glorious and valiant hero compared to the vile depictions of the Evil Woman.

I'm looking for some examples of male presidential candidates who have been despised and vilified so viciously by both the Left and the Right. Any ideas? Did Charles Manson ever run for office?

Hillary as Evil Woman

O'bama vs. the Devil's Bride