Whoa, who said 71 year olds can't have fun? The New York Times is reporting that Senator John McCain behaved "inappropriately" with a female lobbyist, or so say his top advisers from the 2000 presidential campaign. I think we all know that Republicans are as pure as the driven snow, so how can this possibly be true? But what on earth did McCain do to piss-off his advisers?
McCain denies everything and promises to wage war on the liberal NY Times! (via) The story also broke in the more conservative Washington Post, and a variation was in-progress at The New Republic.
Mr. Straight-Talk Express is also alleged to have bestowed some "official favors" on his dear friend the lobbyist. Coincidentally, Vicki Iseman just happens to be blonde, just like McCain's current wife and just like his former wife too. There are not a lot of details in the story, but I get the feeling we will soon know plenty more. Mike Huckabee, the other presidential candidate from the Family Values Party, is drinking champaign tonight and having visions of being a come-back kid. Democrats may get a landslide no matter who we pick!
New York Times:
Convinced the relationship had become romantic, some of his top advisers intervened to protect the candidate from himself — instructing staff members to block the woman’s access, privately warning her away and repeatedly confronting him, several people involved in the campaign said on the condition of anonymity. . . In interviews, the two former associates said they joined in a series of confrontations with Mr. McCain, warning him that he was risking his campaign and career. Both said Mr. McCain acknowledged behaving inappropriately and pledged to keep his distance from Ms. Iseman.
Crooks and Liars: This story, was first covered by Matt Drudge on December 20, 2007.
John McCain Family Values Republican Scandal News Politics Vicki Iseman 2008