Alegre has a great diary up over at Daily Obama about some of Hillary's long list of accomplishments. Many of them (they fill a 312 page book!) have to do with advocating on behalf of children.
Hillary's work on behalf of children is one of the reasons I support her.
It would be something radically new under the sun to have an actual president who has spent time working with and for children. If we had a president with that kind of experience, maybe we would no longer have the highest child poverty rate in the industrialized world.
Here's a small list from Heart of a Champion of the kind of work that Hillary Rodham Clinton has devoted her life to:
As a law student Hillary worked to identify children who were victims of abuse and neglect and volunteered at the New Haven Legal Services offices. Her first job out of law school was going door-to-door with the Children's Defense Fund to find out why children weren’t enrolled in public schools. Her findings prompted Congress to pass laws ensuring that kids with disabilities were accommodated and taught in our public schools (setting up programs in which my son and countless others have benefited enormously).
When Reagan was President, Hillary was Chairman of the Legal Services corporation - legal services for the poor. In a head-to-head battle with the President, she successfully fought Reagan off when he tried to shift $300 million legal services to defense spending.
In Arkansas Hillary ran the University of Arkansas's legal aid and prison projects; reformed Arkansas' education system; instituted a model parent education program; created new scholarships for single parents; and expanded medical facilities in Arkansas' poorest areas.
Read more.
Obama's Accomplishments? Chris Matthews Humiliates Obamafan (Video)
Hillary Clinton Barack Obama Feminist News Gender Politics President Hillary