Are Democrats Praying for Bush?
A recent Fox News poll tells us that 37 percent of Democrats have prayed for Bush vs. 74 percent of Republicans. According to the same poll (pdf) a mere 11% of Democrats approve of the Decider's job performance.
So what exactly is the nature of the Democratic prayers? The astute commenters over at Think Progress have the answer:
Yes, I pray for him to be impeached and tried at the Hague.
Dear God, Bush needs a brain and a soul. Amen
i’d pray for intestinal parasites before i’d pray for that dumbass.
Boy Fox just keeps putting its foot in mouth…kinda like Bill O and Rush now isn’t it. Asking if we pray for Bush….pray for him to be gone, pray his fellow Republicans carry his bed out and change the locks on the White House…like TODAY !
Democrats Bush Fox News Politics News Praying for Bush America Republicans Worst President