Once again, Tennessee's most embarrassing lawmaker, Stacey X (R) offers an explanation for why he remains a laughingstock and still can't get a bill passed (or pass English 101).
While Michael Vick announces he will plead guilty to dog fighting charges that involve the execution of dogs "by hanging, electrocution or other brutal means," Rep. Campfield announces that the liberal media is paying too much attention to Vick's crime.
Cause from Stacey's woefully wombless view, the real crimes in America are those committed by baby-killing immigrants and women who have abortions.
Rep. Stacey X's blog:
[D]oes anyone besides me see the hypocrisy of some on the left who go nuts about Michael Vick and the whole dog fighting thing and yet are the same people who don't care about the loss of human life caused by illegal aliens or are the same people who fight for the right to kill unborn babies?
How many dogs have been killed in dog fights versus how many babies have been killed in abortion clinics or by illegal immigrants. I bet dog deaths pale by comparison. But what do we see on TV every day on about every news channel?
Dog fighting is cruel and inhumane. But if Vick could have figured out a way to pit two unborn babies against each other in a fight to the death, maybe we'd outlaw killing children as quickly as we rushed to enhance penalties for crimes involving our pets.
Hat tip to John Hutcheson over at Music City Bloggers
And see:
Tiny Cat Pants: Campfield Clarifies His Position on Dog Fighting
Cup of Joe Powell: Nonsense
Update: Gawker Mocks Rep. Stacey 'X' Campfield
Stacey Campfield Michael Vick Abortion Politics Immigrants News Tennessee Republicans Liberal Media Radical Right