Lane Hudson, the liberal blogger who took down Mark Foley, now has his sights aimed at Fred Thompson. The blogger over at News for the Left has filed an FEC Complaint against former abortion rights lobbyist Fred Thompson for violating election laws with his seemingly endless non-candidate status.
Meanwhile, conservative enthusiasm for the non- candidate is definitely waning.
Lane Hudson writes:
According to FEC regulations, Thompson will have 15 days to respond to the complaint. Then, their lawyers will write an opinion on the basis of the complaint.
It is my contention that he has violated the 'testing the waters' exemption of election law. He has been presenting himself as a candidate for President, he has been raising large sums of money beyond what would be required to explore a possible candidacy, and he has signed a long term lease on a headquarters for his campaign. He has even spent advertising dollars, which are specifically prohibited by the law.
Up to this point, no one has taken the time to take action against this abuse. I hope that the FEC will act quickly on this issue. Failure to do so will contribute to further corruption of the American political process. Read more . .
The Nashville City Paper reports that "Jim Mills, a spokesman for the Friends of Fred Thompson Committee" claims: "We’re following the law."
Update: John Tapper at Political Punch provides the details regarding Thompson's violation of election law.
And from John Amato at Crooks and Liars: "Help out and call the FEC and demand an investigation: FEC Phone Number: (800) 424-9530 In Washington (202) 694-1100."
Fred Thompson FEC Complaint Non-Candidate Testing Waters Politics Abortion Pro Choice Republican Tennessee News