Again, Jeri Kehn Thompson is stealing thunder from her wannabe president husband -- who, BTW, was called "dumb as hell" by Richard Milhouse Nixon.
Who cares if Fred Thompson is a former abortion rights lobbyist? What America really cares about is the prospect of a grandfatherly president with a wife young enough to be his child.
Judging by this blog's latest of many waves of google searchers looking for "hot" photos of Fred Thompson's wife, it appears that the Fashion and Style section of the New York Times has a clue about America.
Fashion and Style's important question of the day?
Is America ready for a president with a trophy wife?
Some call this question merely a product of smelly journalism, but we don't think so.
This ain't France.
Ahem, Fred Thompson is, after all, courting the Purity Vote. It is Fred's base, or Red America, that cares so very much about having chaste librarians for First Ladies, obviously.
In America, the question of Jeri Kehn's suitability for the role of First Lady (or First Babe, as some rightwingers prefer to call her) is every bit as relevant as a compellingly more important question:
Is America ready for a president who in his 'adult life' earned the nickname -- the Tennessee Stud? (By 'adult life' we mean the life Fred led not in his wild youth, but the life Fred led after he divorced his wife of 26 years.)
Photo: Fred Thompson's former girl friend Lori Morgan, Fred Thompson, and wannabe First Lady, Jeri Kehn Thompson.
Fred Thompson News Jeri Kehn Photo 2008 Republicans Fred Thompson's Wife Politics First Lady Tennessee Stud