If you are a woman in the state of Tennessee -- former state senator and self-appointed protector of womankind -- David Fowler wants to protect you from RU-486. The Republican apparently has no faith in the current Administration, or the FDA.
Fowler, now president of the rightwing Christian Family Action Council of Tennessee wants you to send a letter to the state senate in support of a law that would require abortion providers to do what the FDA already requires them to do. Funny Fowler says he expects the bill to decrease the number of women who access RU-486.
From David Fowler's urgent action alert:
On Tuesday, April 17th, at 3:30 p.m. CDT, the Senate Judiciary Committee will take up SB2096/HB1973 regarding the abortion drug, RU-486. Your immediate action is requested!
This bill, sponsored in the Senate by Jack Johnson (R-Williamson County), is intended to require abortionists to provide women the medical information required by the FDA prior to prescribing the drug.
SB2096/HB1973 would do two things. It would require:
- abortionist to provide to women the medical information that the FDA requires them to provide. With that information, women can better decide whether they really want to take the drug and whether the abortionist is following the FDA approved treatment regimen.
- require that an ultrasound be performed prior to the drug being prescribed. This requirement was a part of the US Clinical trial and initially proposed by the FDA before it relented to the political pressure of Planned Parenthood to drop the requirement.
Oh, I forgot, you don't trust women.
Funny Fowler is also enraged because six women have allegedly died because of RU-486. Reports of men dying from Viagra do not appear to be a concern. Oh, but Fearless Fowler does not get paid to protect men from themselves.
David Fowler also gets paid to spread homophobia. The heterosexist was a leader of the campaign to pass the anti gay marriage initiative and write discrimination into the state constitution.
You can read and change Fowler's letter to the senate and send it from Fowler's urgent action site.
Abortion David Fowler RU-486 Tennessee Politics Sen.Jack Johnson News