Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Tell them to Filibuster Alito

Call them and tell them to Filibuster Alito!


Harry Reid, NV Democratic Leader (202) 224-3542
Dick Durbin, IL Assistant Democratic Leader (202) 224-2152
Patrick Leahy, VT Ranking Member Judiciary Committee (202) 224-4242

Senators leaning toward filibuster, call and urge them on:

Toll free Phone numbers:
1-888-355-3588 or 1-888-818-6641

Blanche Lincoln, Arkansas
Mark Pryor, Arkansas
Diane Feinstein, California
Joe Lieberman, Connecticut
Joe Biden, Delaware
Barack Obama, Illinois
Mary Landrieu, Louisiana
Susan Collins, Maine
Olympia Snowe, Maine
Bill Nelson, Florida
Kent Conrad, North Dakota
Arlen Specter, Pennsylvania
Lincoln Chaffee, Rhode Island
Tim Johnson, South Dakota

{Hat tip to Georgia10)

The moderate Democrat, Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska will vote for Alito. As yet, Ben Nelson is the only Democratic defector.

Moderate Dem, Bill Nelson of Florida will vote against Alito.

Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., announced his vote for Alito today.

Only Republican Sens. Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island; Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe of Maine; and Ted Stevens of Alaska have not yet publicly committed to vote for Alito.

Call them!