Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Tell Chris Matthews to Apologize

By Peter Daou - New THE TRIANGLE: Matthews, Moore, Murtha, and the Media: What's the common thread running through the past half-decade of Bush's presidency? What's the nexus between the Swift-boating of Kerry, the Swift-boating of Murtha, and the guilt-by-association between Democrats and terrorists? Why has a seemingly endless string of administration scandals faded into oblivion? Why do Democrats keep losing elections? It's this: the traditional media, the trusted media, the "neutral" media, have become the chief delivery mechanism of potent anti-Democratic and pro-Bush storylines. And the Democratic establishment appears to be either ignorant of this political quandary or unwilling to fight it.

Read the whole thing - if you care about taking our country back, you should read it.

Speaking of pro-Bush storylines: MSNBC's Chris Matthews has repeatedly compared Democrats to Osama bin Laden. Join the campaign to hold the media accountable by going to Open Letter to Chris Matthews.

Tell Hardball's advertisers what you think about an MSNBC political pundit who compares you to Osama bin Laden.

Matthews needs to wake up and acknowledge his behavior. He needs to apologize.