Thursday, December 15, 2005

Bush Gives Delay Preemtive Pardon

"President Says DeLay Is Not Guilty of Money Laundering," reads the headline of a bona fide Washington Post story.

The WaPo notes that it is "highly unusual" for a president to weigh in on an impending legal case. Is the Washington Post trying to tell us that the Bubble Boy is a "highly unusual" president? Mon Dieu!

One thing is certain, it is now safe to assume that our pResident thinks Libby and Rove are guilty as hell, since the lame duck pResident is staying the course with his famous refusal to comment on Libby's impending trial, and/or all things Plamegate.

But where will we find 12 jurors who have not heard the Commander proclaim Delay's innocence? I'd request a presidential gag order from one of those activist judges, but when President Loser endorses you, you can be fairly sure that you are, a.) about to lose an election; b.) about to resign from your overpayed job; c.) about to spend serious time in the slammer.

After giving Delay the preemptive pardon, the Boy King awarded Rummy the Brownie-kiss-of-death.

When asked about the rumours of an impending retirement by Rumsfield, the Boy King said, Oh no, no, "I have no intention of changing him," cuz he's doin' "a heckuva job," doncha know?

And, no, I did not find this story at the Onion. The WaPo is insulted that you thought so.

Demagogue has more, and so does firelake and the Heretik.