Thursday, November 10, 2005

Nurses Pummel Arnold's 'Political Testicles'

The Left Coaster has a nice post up about the successful efforts of California nurses to ensure that Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger suffered a crushing defeat "for his pet initiatives in Tuesday's election."

I only wish some of those nurses would move to Tennessee to help us with our own out-of-control Governor. Hearing their story is the next best thing.

Here's a teaser from The Left Coaster:

Thank You, California Nurses

Before anyone forgets amid the euphoria of batting around Arnold’s political testicles with badminton rackets this morning, I would like to say a special thank you to the California Nurses Association.

Only 18 months ago Arnold was considered to be unbeatable for 2006. Being the rank corporatist Republican liar that he is, he told the nurses that their extremely hard-won patient ratios meant nothing to him. They, the law and their patients would suffer and die as he lied about heisting the money.

Some lines are just never crossed—the risks are so horrifying one just never goes there. Like lying to your wife, the consequences are going to be nuclear and leave nasty scars (assuming one survives), no matter how stupidly one rationalizes the act. Arnold is a novice and a dumbass, so I guess it isn’t surprising, really, that he thought he could cross nurses over their patients.

They dogged him relentlessly at every public appearance, becoming a great story picked up over the country. They aired commercials, got on the news cycle agenda with creative tactics and relentlessly messed with the Arnold message machine. They got into his head and knocked him down, and when he was there they stepped on his neck until the results came in.

Thank you, California Nurses. I and the rest of the state and country so owe you. You’ll always have my vote for any your issues for the rest of my life. I won’t forget.

Hat tip to The Cursor

UPDATE: Feel the Burn, Girlyman, "For months, California television was blanketed with commercials in which gentle nurses and wholesome teachers and earnest firefighters and clean-cut cops politely explained that Arnold is a serial liar who has broken his promise to represent the common citizen. . ."
[via Surburban Guerrilla]