Friday, October 26, 2012

Slut-Shamed Girl, Age 15, Commits Suicide

This is too sad.

Just when you think human beings can't sink any lower: The boys she had sex with were reportedly among her shamers/tormenters:
Felicia Garcia, a 15-year-old Staten Island teenager, ended her life on Wednesday when she jumped in front of a subway train...
 According to fellow students at Tottenville High School, Garcia was the target of bullying and slut-shaming because, according to the NY Post she had sex with four football players at the same time at a party the previous weekend. Repulsively, the football players were allegedly doing quite a bit of that bullying. I'd really like to know exactly what went on there, I can guess, but I know the entire story will be beyond heartbreaking.
Friends say Garcia was teased, called a slut, and physically harassed in the halls. "They were torturing her," said classmate Stephanie Imparato. "How can you go through life being verbally assaulted like that? These guys are cruel and malicious."
On Monday, two days before she killed herself, Garcia tweeted, "I can't, I'm done, I give up."