Thanks Robert Dreyfuss for reminding me that misogyny is everywhere. Now can you please go write for some right-wing publication? Or better yet, retire!
Katha Pollitt writes:
In a post entitled “Obama’s Women Advisers Pushed War Against Libya” (originally titled “Obama’s Women” tout court) he’s shocked-shocked-shocked that UN Ambassador Susan Rice, human-rights adviser Samantha Power and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were keen on intervening militarily in Libya. The piece is dotted with arch and sexist language—the advisers are a “troika,” a “trio” who “rode roughshod over the realists in the administration” (all men) and “pushed Obama to war.” Now it’s up to the henpecked President to “reign (sic) in his warrior women.” Interestingly, the same trope—ballbreaking women ganging up on a weak president—is all over the rightwing blogosphere.
Misogyny—it’s the last acceptable prejudice of the left.
Cause if women would just stop running for office and competing for 'men's jobs' there wouldn't be any gosh darn sexism! I used to think Katha Pollitt was an admirable feminist writer, now I think she's part of the problem. Welcome to the festival of misogyny, Katha. It's called walking around with your eyes open.
[See Big Tent Dem's: A Problem With Women at The Nation.]
UPDATE: Katha Pollitt sets the record straight n the comments at Historian, provides links to her articles condemning the misogyny of 2008. Sorry, I should have reviewed the past before ranting. Still a touchy subject.
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