In a long piece about Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan, the New York Times reveals that Kagan is a remarkable trailblazer who has long had the goal of serving on the High Court. Like Obama, Kagan is a "blank slate" who has courted Republicans. Thankfully, Obama had the sense to nominate a woman. Too bad he couldn't locate someone a little less like himself. Why is it too much to ask for him to nominate a liberal with a record of championing core progressive values?:
At Hunter College High School in the 1970s, Ms. Kagan was a standout in a school of ultrabright girls. At least one classmate there, Natalie Bowden, remembers she had an ambitious goal: to become a Supreme Court justice. “That was a goal from the very beginning,” Ms. Bowden said. “She did talk about it then.”
On Liberal Support for Elena Kagan
SCOTUS: Obama to Pick Elena Kagan On Monday, Rightwingers Will Be Pleased
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