Thursday, September 17, 2009

OFA Website Drops Demand for Public Option

Obama's Organizing for America (OFA) website has quietly dropped the demand for a public option. Formerly, strong and prominently-placed language insisted that a public option is something that "Every American must have":

“Guarantee choice - Every American must have the freedom to choose their plan and doctor - including the choice of a public insurance option.”

Now buried near the bottom of a page, in the middle of a sea of text, the public option has been demoted to something that is merely included in Obama's plan. And it is definitely not for "Every American":

If You Don’t Have Insurance, the President's Plan . . . Offers a public health insurance option to provide the uninsured and those who can’t find affordable coverage with a real choice.

See the screen shot of the original at The New Argument (old page cached here). See also, firedoglake and Florida Progressive Coalition Blog.