“It’s not that I believe that women are superior to men, it’s just that we’ve had so little opportunity to be corrupted by power. . I’m one of those who has always believed that women will change the nature of power.” Bella Abzug
I'm with Bella. I see no reason to accept the claim that a critical mass of women in power will lead to the same greed and corruption that male power has unleashed. With male domination rampant, all we really know is that a world ruled by half the species is unfit for children and other gentle souls.
"Women have been trained to speak softly and carry a lipstick. Those days are over." -- Bella Abzug
"They used to give us a day--it was called International Women's Day. In 1975 they gave us a year, the Year of the Woman. Then from 1975 to 1985 they gave us a decade, the Decade of the Woman. I said at the time, who knows, if we behave they may let us into the whole thing. Well, we didn't behave and here we are." -- Bella Abzug
Thanks Woman Voter!
Feminist Politics Gender Bella Abzug Feminist Trailblazer Patriarchy Male Domination News