Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sweaty Sexist of the Day: Vanity Fair's Todd S. Purdum on Sarah Palin

In an objectifying hit piece entitled: "It Came from Wasilla" -- one can almost feel Vanity Fair's sweaty Todd S. Purdum smacking his lips and salivating as he opines:

[Sarah Palin] is by far the best-looking woman ever to rise to such heights in national politics, the first indisputably fertile female to dare to dance with the big dogs.

Fertile female? Dancing with the dogs? Congrats to sweaty Todd S. Purdum for finding a novel way to call a woman a bitch. A bitch in heat, no less.

Todd S. Purdum's old school sexism includes a concern about women and ambition that has also been with us throughout the ages:

[N]o political principle or personal relationship is more sacred than [Sarah Palin's] own ambition.

While the Republican agenda always leaves me cold, I owe a profound debt to Sarah Palin for bringing so many loathsome sexists out in the open.

More on Todd S. Purdum (who is currently the husband of Dee Dee Myers):
Bill Clinton: Purdum a "Sleazy" "Slimy" "Scumbag"
Bill Clinton Fights Back Against Brutal Vanity Fair Article