Everyone's talking about Seth Rogen's exciting new comedy featuring the oh-so-funny rape scene. The 'rape as comedy' movie -- Observe and Report -- opens this weekend. People who think rape is deadly serious and people who have ever been raped might want to avoid this sicko misogynistic film.
Next week, can we expect to laugh our heads off about a lynching?
Melissa Silverstein:
Sady at Tiger Beatdown sums it up best:
maybe I've reached the precise point at which I cannot be a "good sport" any longer and that is the point at which I am asked to pay ten fucking dollars plus however much a soda is these days for a movie that may very well insult me and every woman who's ever had an unwanted dick shoved into her body. I could talk about how, even though I got warned in advance, even though I won't be seeing the movie, the incredible frequency of rape and sexual assault in our society means that many, many victims of rape will see it, and the PTSD that often accompanies rape will mean that, for a joke, for some dipshit filmmaker's attempt at being edgy, they are going to experience all of the pain and psychological trauma associated with that experience, they are going to feel that rape all over again, there, in their seats, in the theater, and they are going to pay for the experience, and if they try to talk about what that filmmaker did to them it's probably going to get sidetracked into some conversation about the Sanctity of Art which is invariably given more consideration than their actual lives.
Here's an idea. Don't see this movie this weekend. Stand up and say no. Why should we spend our good money watching a movie where we get raped for comedic purposes?
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