No wonder Fox News knows so much about the grassroots (cough) tea party movement. . and no wonder the Tennessee Republican Party is aggressively (complete with countdown clocks, videos and fliers!) promoting the grassroots (heh) tea parties. The Dark Side's Dick Armey -- former GOP House Majority Leader, author of the Contract ON America, and diehard Cheney buddy -- is tea party organizer extraordinaire!
As usual, Jane Hamsher has the details:
Teabaggers are having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that "grassroots" demonstrations aren't orchestrated by corporate lobbyists. Understandable -- if you didn't have any experience organizing a demonstration that didn't have millions in free PR from Fox News and well-funded GOP fat cats providing a national infrastructure, you wouldn't know the difference.
They seem to be particularly upset about links I sent out yesterday on Twitter (using the teaparty hashtags #tcot and #teaparty) regarding a report by Lee Fang at Think Progress documenting the involvement of corporate lobbyists FreedomWorks in organizing the teabaggers. FreedomWorks is run by ladies' man (and registered lobbyist) Dick Armey, and if they're not "organizing" the Tea parties, it's news to them.
From the FreedomWorks website:
With your help, we have been able to organize hundreds of Taxpayer Tea Parties across the country, from Santa Barbara, California to Amarillo, Texas, and all the way to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Meanwhile, Glenn Reynolds pens a piece in the New York Post called: TEA PARTIES: REAL GRASSROOTS and we remember why these crooks and liars lost the election.
Also see Paul Krugman's Tea Parties Forever
[Graphic via Firedoglake ]
Republican Politics Fox News Tea Parties Tennessee GOP News