Expect to see it on CNN today. Four wacky Tennessee lawmakers (R) have joined a lawsuit demanding to see President Obama's birth certificate. Apparently, 'making this state into a national laughingstock' is written into the job description of Tennessee GOP lawmakers. Somebody give the 4 Tennessee stooges a bonus! This does it for me. The next time I travel outside the state, I'm telling people I'm from Alabama.
Rep. Mike Turner (D) had an excellent idea (see below). Email the 4 Tennessee stooges and ask them to prove their own citizenship by posting their birth certificates online immediately!
Gail Kerr at the Tennessean nails it:
Four Tennessee state representatives, all Republicans, have signed up to be plaintiffs in a lawsuit against President Barack Obama, aimed at forcing him to prove he is a United States citizen by coughing up his birth certificate.
Let me just say what all the world is now thinking, including their fellow Republicans on the Hill: This is dumber than a box of rocks.
Tennessee Reps. Eric Swafford, Stacey Campfield, Glen Casada and Frank Nicely now have a giant "G" on their foreheads for "Gullible." The four were so willing to drink the craziest flavor of Kool-Aid, they've gotten themselves caught up in a national urban legend that has been thoroughly debunked. . .
How on earth could the man have gotten a driver's license, Social Security card and the keys to the White House without being a U.S. citizen? Even Snopes.com, the last word in what urban legends are true and which are false, says this one is just flat-out wrong. So keep on pitching 'em, guys, to try to get the attention you seem so overly eager to receive. But for the love of Pete. Could y'all try a hard, inside fastball next time?
They're laughing in the Tennessee legislature too. Jeff Woods:
When reporters asked House Democrats for their reaction this morning during a press conference, Rep. Larry Miller was incredulous.
"He did what? Who's Eric Swafford?" he asked. "He's from Mars," Democratic leader Gary Odom scoffed.
The party's caucus leader, Mike Turner--fresh out of the hospital for tests for chest pains--laughed: "I actually asked Eric for his [birth certificate] this morning. I told him I wanted to see his. He said he had it in his office. I think it's shenanigans. I don't see how some of these people get elected. I'm just tickled to death I'm not in a leadership position in the Republican Party. That heart attack I had yesterday would have been for real probably."
What they're saying:
The Mahablog: I Bet They Have Secret Handshakes, Too
Shakesville: Make 'em Laugh
At Largely: The Right Wing Conspiracy-Lunacy alive and well: [T]hese people are impaired and are in no condition to be involved in making serious decisions impacting this nation.
Washington Monthly: BEYOND PARODY: It seems a little early in Obama's presidency to see Republicans become this deranged. I shudder to think how unhinged they'll be in, say, a year.
via memeorandum
Tennessee Republican News Politics Obama Birth Certificate Lawsuit Joke Stacey Campfield