Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund and Ashley Judd really care about wolves. That's why they're trying to shoot down Sarah Palin. Never mind helpless baby caribou fleeing from savage wolves (2nd video). If the concern is about the 'savage' method of killing the wolves, I wish Ashley would suggest a better way and talk more about that and less about evil Sarah Palin. Nothing personal, I like Ashley Judd, but I think she should run for office because she has mastered the essence of the worst of U.S. politics. It's all about the sensational high-drama sound-bites. The many devils in the details have nothing to do with it. [Full Disclosure: I am a vegetarian because killing animals needlessly is wrong!]
Anchorage Daily News: Slaughtering wolves on the Alaska Peninsula appears to have had the desired effect — more caribou got a chance to live, according to biologists with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.
As ugly and as politically incorrect as the wolf killing might seem to some, they said, the helicopter gunning that took place earlier this year saved caribou, especially young caribou, from being eaten alive.
Fall surveys of the Southern Alaska Peninsula caribou herd completed in October found an average of 39 calves per 100 cows. That’s a dramatic improvement from fall counts of only 1 calf per 100 cows in 2006 and 2007. . . Numbering almost 5,000 animals at the start of this decade, the southern herd had shrunk to about 600 caribou by last year.
Planet Earth - Wolf Vs. Caribou
Wildlife Politics Sarah Palin News Alaska Conservation