Something tells me that this little Obama-esque Rick Warren poster is the start of something, or that we are going to be seeing a lot of these pretty little posters demanding change over the next four years. We need a poster like this for Jon Favreau!
Add your voice to the voices at Equality California and ask or demand that Obama rescind his invitation to Rick Warren.
And check out this letter from DumpRickWarren:
Dear President-elect Obama:
The gay and lesbian community, our millions of friends and all other fair minded Americans are extremely hurt and angry with your choice of Reverend Rick Warren to give the invocation at your Inauguration next month. . So today we are asking you to dump Rick Warren from delivering the invocation at your swearing in ceremony.
We will be launching a new web site www.dumprickwarren.com to ask others to join in our effort to help persuade you to choose another man or woman to take this place of honor at your historic Inauguration.
Continue reading at DumPrickWarren
via Californians Against Hate & CA NOW
Inaugeration Obama Rick Warren Politics Gender Gay Prop 8 Lesbian News Gay Marriage