Friday, November 21, 2008

Whither Bill "Judas" Richardson?

It appears that we're not the only ones wondering what leftover position Obama has in store for Bill Richardson.

Al Kamen over at the Washington Post wonders: If Clinton's the Pick, Where Does That Leave Richardson?

The Flypaper tells the sad story of karmic justice:

And what about Bill Richardson, whom I’ve been promoting all week? First, the Washington Post’s “in the loop” reporter Al Kamen wrote this morning that Obama might find a spot for him at Interior, Commerce, or as ambassador to China. Then Alyson Klein at Education Week ridiculed my speculation since Richardson was well-known as an NCLB-hater on the campaign trail. (See, I’m terrible at placing bets because I always gamble on the horse I want to win, rather than the horse most likely to win. And a pro-accountability, anti-NCLB governor sounds good to me!) And now, The Fix is saying that Richardson is being “seriously considered” for Commerce. Well, Bill, it was fun while it lasted.

via memeorandum