Sarah Palin's first day back at work in the Governor's office included an encounter with the Alaskan press. She talks about the steady stream of 'Sarah Palin is a Diva' gossip and the problematic media that spreads it. And she talks about the double standard. She looks happy to be back in Alaska where one is somewhat removed from mainland vultures.
In spite of an apparent collaborative effort by Fox News and MSNBC to paint the woman as the trailer trash joke of the month, Sarah Palin remains the most popular Republican the party has. "Ninety-one percent (91%) of Republicans have a favorable view of Palin, including 65% who say their view is Very Favorable. . When asked to choose among some of the GOP’s top names for their choice for the party’s 2012 presidential nominee, 64% say Palin."
Which is why I still think Mitt Romney is behind the gossip.
Rumor Patrol: Romney Camp Spreading Palin Stories?
Palin denounces her critics as cowardly
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Politics Gender News Sexist Republicans Male Dominated Media Misogyny Sarah Palin