Tuesday, November 25, 2008

CNN Ordered to Rehire 110 Workers Fired for Belonging to a Union

One of Obama's many campaign promises was that he would fight for the passage of the pro union Employee Free Choice Act and sign it into law. Let's hope he keeps this campaign promise because if CNN will fire you for belonging to a union, I shudder to think about what Wal-Mart will do to you.

From the AFL-CIO NOW blog:

This report likely won’t be on CNN’s “Headline News,” but after five years, former workers at CNN have finally gained justice. In a decision made public today, an administrative law judge ordered the network to rehire 110 workers who were fired because they were union members. CNN also was ordered to recognize the workers’ unions, National Association of Broadcast Employees and Technicians-CWA (NABET-CWA) locals 31 and 11.

Judge finds that CNN engaged in “widespread and egregious misconduct, demonstrating a flagrant and general disregard” for employee rights.

"If we are going to rebuild our middle class and (have) a sustained recovery of living standards, workers must have the freedom to form unions as counterweight to corporate power, as a way to bargain for a better life."