Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Somerby: Creeping Andrew Sullivanism -Or- It's Time for Josh Marshall to Go

Here's more on Josh Marshall's outrageous dedication to spreading lies about Hillary. The ever-wise Bob Somerby points out that we already have one Andrew Sullivan.

So it's time for Josh Marshall to go:

. . . We were far too polite back then, when this could have been “nipped in the bud.”) But make no mistake—Josh has played for you for many years on this score. In the process, he is emerging as the Sully of the pseudo-left. It’s long past time for this weird, creepy man to pack his satchel and go.

At any rate, will someone please stop poor Josh Marshall before he boo-hoos, blubbers and cries defending Bush the elder again? . .

How big a Sully-clone is Marshall? . . Incredibly, Josh posts this tired old tripe from a reader. Simply put, we’re all Matt Drudge now:

E-MAIL TO TPM: I don't want to diminish the extent to which the McCain campaign has mired itself in the muck, but I think you are losing the forest for the trees. It should be noted that for whatever reason, McCain has so far refused to go places that Hillary went in the primary (Wright, explicit comments about "hard-working, white" Americans supporting her, distributing emails with pictures of Obama in Muslim garb, etc.).

Good God! To this day, Josh continues to air that highlighted claim, which originally came from Drudge—a claim whose absurdity became clear within about ten minutes. (As an adept of The Cult of the Offhand Comment, Josh is also eager to throw in the "hard-working, white" quote.)

Hasn’t the public suffered enough from the actual Andrew Sullivan? . .

It’s time for Josh to go.

Graphic via Cannonfire

Still Telling Lies About Hillary